OS style guide contact

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 5 16:09:16 UTC 2009

Hi Phil,

2009/8/5 Phil Bull <philbull at gmail.com>:
> Hi guys,
> I'd like to try and push forward with the whole "open-source style
> guide" idea [1] that was floated at WOSCON. Would anyone be interested
> in stepping forward to become the ubuntu-docs contact for this project?
> Responsibilities would probably include taking part in upstream
> discussions, helping to write the guide, evangelising, reporting back to
> this team and collecting feedback from us to send back upstream.

I would have thought this was a role best suited to you, Jim or Emma
who are all much more heavily involved in Woscon already.


Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at ubuntu.com

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