Ubuntu encryption
Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 29 15:53:53 UTC 2009
Good afternoon,
Unfortunately this is not a support or advice mailing list and in the
first instance you should contact Canonical.
2009/4/29 Denise Walker <DWalker at navigantconsulting.com>:
> To Whom it May Concern,
> I would like to know if Ubuntu contains encryption. If so, could you please
> let me know if the encryption exceeds 64 bits. In reviewing the website, I
> was unable to find this information. However, it seems that this product is
> not U.S. grown? Can you please confirm the origins of Ubuntu?
> I appreciate you assistance and would like to thank you in advance for
> taking the time to respond to my questions.
> Kind regards,
> dw
> Denise N. Walker
> Navigant Consulting
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Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at ubuntu.com
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