Documentation Students

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Apr 29 07:21:18 UTC 2009

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Dougie Richardson
<dougierichardson at> wrote:
> Evening all.
> I think that the Students team should be an open team, we approve most
> people any way and even if they don't actually contribute the increase
> number of icons in people's bragging rights will draw us some
> attention. They have no commit access so is there any reason to have
> this as a moderated team?

I agree. As Nathan pointed out, this is part of the discussion around
the draft
(which I've now renamed to use a US English spelling), and one thing
everyone agreed on was that the contributors team should be an open
team, so while we're waiting for that draft to be discussed, finalised
and implemented, I've gone ahead and made the -students team an open

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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