request for review of Ubuntu 9.04 release announcement

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Wed Apr 22 13:58:08 UTC 2009

Hi Jim,

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 08:12:59PM -0500, Jim Campbell wrote:
> > Here is a draft for the Ubuntu 9.04 email announcement:
> >
> > Please review and advise me of any problems.
> > (Link checking optional - several of the referenced pages have yet to be
> > updated for 9.04 final, no need to worry there)

> I would like to make a suggestion about the X.Org server section on this
> page [1]. I know that release notes are supposed to be more technical, but
> that particular section seemed especially foreign to me.  I've modified it
> to help things flow a bit more smoothly.

> The current wording reads, "The -ati driver has received numerous fixes and
> performance improvements. It now uses the EXA acceleration method by
> default. 2D acceleration support for the newest R6xx/R7xx family of cards is
> also available. 3D support is available up to R5xx cards for -ati. An
> updated -fglrx proprietary driver is available for R6xx/R7xx users who need
> 3D support."

> My proposed wording is, "The -ati driver now uses the EXA acceleration
> method by default, resolving a number of rendering and display issues and
> promising high performance on many ATI chipsets. 2D acceleration support is
> available for the newest R6xx/R7xx family of cards, and 3D support is
> available up to the R5xx family of cards.  An updated -fglrx proprietary
> driver is also available for R6xx/R7xx users who need 3D support."

Thanks, I agree that this is a clear improvement.  I've added it to the
draft version of this page at
<>, which will be
pushed to before release.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                          
slangasek at                                     vorlon at

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