Request for review for .img file writing instructions

Emmet Hikory persia at
Tue Apr 21 07:15:13 UTC 2009

Matthew East wrote:
> Yes, it's true - the FromUSBStick page is currently a bit long and
> could be confusing. I think that we could probably crack this issue by
> creating two subpages as follows:
> FromUSBStick/IsoFiles
> FromUSBStick/ImgFiles
> The parent page would have links to each and explain the difference.
> That way, you get a direct landing page for Img file writing without
> the confusion of trying to deal with both issues on the same page.
> What do you think?

    This seems sensible.  I'll rearrange things that way.  One set of
users that I realise is under-served by this arrangement is those who
would use non-USB targets.  A number of devices (including my laptop)
have built-in card readers that end up somewhere like /dev/mmcblk0.
These devices are well served by the distributed .img files (and the
tools described), although the URL implies this may not work.  Perhaps I
should just add explanatory language, and leave the URL, or would some
other solution be appropriate?

    In terms of the mechanics of the split: I'm thinking to move
everything except the top-level "Install Ubuntu from a USB stick" from
the version previous to my edits to FromUSBStick/IsoFiles, put an edited
version of my original page in FromUSBStick/ImgFiles, and add an
additional section to FromUSBStick to explain the two types of files.


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