Wiki Team Launchpad permissions (was Re: Proposal: Create product for each derivative's documentation)

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Apr 20 22:04:53 UTC 2009

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Connor Imes <rocket2dmn at> wrote:
>> * contributed more than three significant patches over the course of a
>> development cycle (6 months), which demonstrated a good and clear writing
>> style to the satisfaction of the reviewer.
>> This means one significant patch every other month. That's not a lot but it is
>> a minimum. Connor, if you think that makes sense, can you update the Wiki at:
> Done.  If we must have a number, 3 is better than 1, though I would hate
> to see people come and say, "I did three patches, how soon can I get
> approved!"
> I would like to see what Matthew thinks about this.

I'm against having a fixed number on the number of patches, for the
reasons explained in my previous posts, and more eloquently explained
by Nathan in his recent post.

> I think having the
> 6 month window in there will weed out most "transients" so we can focus
> on those who are serious about contributing to docs.

I agree with the spirit of the idea, but again it's limiting to those
people who might just arrive in the team and fit right in very
quickly. What you're getting at is very nicely encapsulated by
Nathan's suggested requirement of interacting with the team. But I
think putting a specific time, or a number of patches, on this is not
going to work. I don't think any additional clarity is provided either
if we do it, because the reality is that we won't apply fixed
requirements - we are being clearer and more honest by admitting that
the process is more fluid and subtle.

Matthew East
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