Proposal: Create product for each derivative's documentation

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Tue Apr 14 02:36:57 UTC 2009

On Friday 10 April 2009 09:28:18 am Marc K. wrote:
> I still am slight confused about Launchpad, but I'll save those questions
> for another time.
> What I am still trying to comprehend is why there have to be different
> sets of documentation for each flavor?  For that matter, I wasn't here at
> the start, but why ARE there different flavors in the first place?
> This might flow off-topic again, but....
> Shouldn't "Ubuntu" just BE the distro?  This may sound radical, but
> instead of making a distinction between the flavors when the ISO is
> downloaded, why can't it just be customized on installation, or even
> customize the ISO online first?
> - This would allow people to decide whether they want a desktop, server,
> media center, etc, or any combination
> - With a decision-tree, it can be streamlined for:
> * I know absolutely nothing about Linux, please hold my hand
> * I know just enough to be dangerous and break something
> * I know what I'm doing and know the risks, just let me at it
> - All the people that whine, and complain, and moan about which programs
> are installed by default over at the "brainstorm" could be appeased by
> being allowed to pick and choose "before" installation
> * I'm thinking showing up the different Windows Managers, File Managers,
> gathering all the themes into a central repository instead of all over the
> Internet, etc...
> - It could help detrack some of the "Ubuntu"-variations that are popping
> up just because they don't like what is installed by default, such as
> Mint.
> - Users could have their own, downloadable ISO image that could restore
> their computer to their own personalized settings without having to back
> it up "post-installation"
> - THEN, We, as the Documentation Team, would only have to worry about ONE
> set of documenation instead of multiple different "flavors"
> Is this too crazy or radical of an idea because I would love to help
> spearhead it as this is what I had in mind.
> Is this a pipe-dream, or feasibly possible?
> Marc K.


There needs to be different documentation because there is different default 
applications and different approaches to the documents.  Kubuntu has a 
completly different set of apps for everything and needs to be documented 
Example:  Burning a CD:  Use K3B instead of Braesro.  The app works differently

Example:  IRC:  Kubuntu uses Quassel instead of ???? sorry don't know.  They 
need to be documented differently.  

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