Proposal: Create product for each derivative's documentation

Marc K. mk at
Fri Apr 10 13:28:18 UTC 2009

I still am slight confused about Launchpad, but I'll save those questions 
for another time.

What I am still trying to comprehend is why there have to be different 
sets of documentation for each flavor?  For that matter, I wasn't here at 
the start, but why ARE there different flavors in the first place?

This might flow off-topic again, but....

Shouldn't "Ubuntu" just BE the distro?  This may sound radical, but 
instead of making a distinction between the flavors when the ISO is 
downloaded, why can't it just be customized on installation, or even 
customize the ISO online first?

- This would allow people to decide whether they want a desktop, server, 
media center, etc, or any combination

- With a decision-tree, it can be streamlined for:
* I know absolutely nothing about Linux, please hold my hand
* I know just enough to be dangerous and break something
* I know what I'm doing and know the risks, just let me at it

- All the people that whine, and complain, and moan about which programs 
are installed by default over at the "brainstorm" could be appeased by 
being allowed to pick and choose "before" installation

* I'm thinking showing up the different Windows Managers, File Managers, 
gathering all the themes into a central repository instead of all over the 
Internet, etc...

- It could help detrack some of the "Ubuntu"-variations that are popping 
up just because they don't like what is installed by default, such as 

- Users could have their own, downloadable ISO image that could restore 
their computer to their own personalized settings without having to back 
it up "post-installation"

- THEN, We, as the Documentation Team, would only have to worry about ONE 
set of documenation instead of multiple different "flavors"

Is this too crazy or radical of an idea because I would love to help 
spearhead it as this is what I had in mind.

Is this a pipe-dream, or feasibly possible?

Marc K.

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