[announcement] apt links on the wiki

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 10 13:24:44 UTC 2009

Andrew wrote:
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 2:05 PM,  <yann_ubuntu-1 at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> I can confirm that apturl isn't installed on a Kubuntu
>> Intrepid box I have access to.

Ok, I wasn't aware of that - it clearly makes a different to our
thinking. It also merits a different practice to how we use apt links
in the system documentation for ubuntu-docs, because obviously
everyone using ubuntu-docs in yelp has the ability to install packages
through apt links.

>>  How about if we uploaded a small
>> "package" icon (like Synaptic's icon)
> That's something we also use in the French wiki. See the APT icon use here:
> http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/amarok#configuration

This is different to Andrew's suggestion, I think, because he was
suggesting using an icon for the link to the installing-software
guide, rather than an icon for the apt link. But I like your
suggestion more, it seems to fit the concept of not everyone having
the ability to use apt urls. The problem is that it probably results
in quite complicated markup. Maybe that can be overcome - what do
others think?

Matthew East
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