Proposal: Create product for each derivative's documentation

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Apr 1 15:18:39 UTC 2009


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Cody A.W. Somerville
<cody-somerville at> wrote:
> This will continue to occur using a project group.

I have two problems with using a project group for the ubuntu-doc project.

First, I think it's an unnecessary amount of maintenance to run what
will be potentially 5 separate projects together under an umbrella
group. The ubuntu-doc project is not an upstream project at all, and
having 4 upstream projects to maintain in Launchpad is ridiculous. I'd
much rather focus on minimising the use of upstream projects for us,
and focusing on using the Ubuntu project, which we already use for
bugs and translations, and very shortly I suspect we will be able to
use it for code too.

Second, I do think that there is scope for divergence and
fragmentation to occur by using separate projects, whether or not they
are arranged under an umbrella group or not. By way of a small
example, I note that you've marked a different team as "driver" of the
new xubuntu-docs project to the driver of the ubuntu-doc project.
Keeping track of these small things will be quite difficult.

Anyway, you've already started to announce the change (e.g. your
announcement to translators) and it's plain that you have no intention
of reverting it, regardless of what discussion takes place. As I said
to you on irc yesterday, my biggest problem with what you've done is
the way you've done it, rather than the change itself - you've done it
with no regard whatsoever for the views of the team as a whole,
because you personally felt that it was a good idea. That's not how we
work, when a change in practice or workflow is proposed, we discuss it
as a team, and the person who proposes the idea seeks to convince the
team that it is valid, and address any potential objections.

Matthew East
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