[Implemented] Wiki banners

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at aol.com
Fri Sep 12 00:52:49 UTC 2008

Matthew East wrote:
> That looks like a decent start, but I think in order to work in the
> long term, it's going to need to be simpler. I think what we should
> aim to do is to reduce the existing list of categories, which is
> already pretty comprehensive. The main task is to strip out categories
> which are already covered by our "Tag" system.
> When that is done, I think we'll find that we have a sane and healthy
> set of categories.
Agreed.  I tagged a dozen or so pages this evening to get a start, 
pulled most of them from CategoryNeedsExpansion.  I kept the deprecated 
Categories listed at the bottom for now, since we are still heavily 
dependent on them.  Are we ready to move full speed forward and use 
these Tags over the corresponding Categories?  Essentially, should we 
start removing pages from Categories and adding them to the appropriate 

I had a nice meeting with the Beginners Team Wiki Focus Group the other 
day after the BT's regular monthly meeting.  One of the two goals we set 
for the next few weeks (to close out our little Summer of Documentation) 
is to get a good start implementing these new Tags.  I mentioned a week 
or so ago that we would be doing this, so I am assuming the doc team is 
ready to proceed full force with these, as I asked in the above sentences.

I would also be up for helping to clean out some of these stranger and 
unnecessary tags, though some of them that were marked on on the 
discussion draft page [1] at the bottom I think are still useful, like 
Security, Internet, Kernel, and Science.

[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryCategory/PageDiscussion/Draft

-Connor Imes aka Rocket2DMn

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