Hello everyone!

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 11 20:43:24 UTC 2008


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 08:51 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Stephanie Mardell
>> <stephmardell at mac.com> wrote:
>> > I like the idea of utilising the Ubuntu Help System and "front
>> ending" it with an initial screen at startup that could provide links
>> to the most common tasks that users want to do once the install is
>> complete.
>> Well, the Ubuntu Help Center already provides links to common tasks -
>> we can certainly work to improve the look and content of that page, if
>> (as I suspect) it can fit the needs that Jonathan and others are
>> looking for. It's certainly a lot easier than developing a new
>> application.
> Here are the use-cases I had in mind:
>      * Users who've just switched to Ubuntu and don't know where
>        anything is (possible solution: brief desktop tour)
>      * Users who've just switched and are having problems with
>        something (with a particular focus on hardware issues)
> I expect the latter to be the more common case. While the help centre
> could cater for both, I don't think that it's the optimal solution for
> either (the "hardware" bit is the confounding factor in the second
> use-case; otherwise it would be fine).

I think that both of these use cases are two of the most obvious
situations that our help centre is supposed to help with! If we're not
helping those people, then we're not doing a great job with the help
centre... Have you got some ideas about what those users aren't
getting from our help centre?

Matthew East
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