Update of the Photo Section

Stephanie Mardell stephmardell at mac.com
Wed Sep 10 07:46:17 UTC 2008

Hi Matthew,

It is basically a restructuring exercise with links back to the original documentation. My idea was to structure the Photo section so that users could locate information more easily.

Thanks for the feedback.

On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, at 12:34AM, "Matthew East" <mdke at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>Hi Stephanie,
>On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Stephanie Mardell <stephmardell at mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you a new member of the documentation team I have been assigned my first documentation tas - review of the Photo Section. Before I start to make any changes I thought I would seek input from the group regarding what do we want to include in this section.
>Your proposed content looks sensible to me. How much of the material
>that's currently in our musicvideophotos document would you envisage
>rewriting, or is this mainly a restructuring exercise?
>> Also I would like an idea of how much I should re-write or link to the original F-Spot manual.
>It's best not to rewrite material that is already included in the
>original F-Spot manual: just link to the relevant section in that
>manual instead (which is what is currently done, I think).
>If you have ideas for improving that manual, we can certainly consider
>submitting them to the F-Spot authors.
>Matthew East
>gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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