[Implemented] Wiki banners

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 7 13:49:49 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Duncan Lithgow <dlithgow at gmail.com> wrote:
> <bitter>Nobody included me in this discussion while it was forming, so
> I'm not going to join it now.</bitter>

Duncan, that's a petty remark (not excused by putting it inside <bitter> tags).

We've been discussing the HelpWikiQualityAssurance spec openly on this
list for months and months. The final consensus on the use of page
banners was reached by an open vote, following these two emails by


My email earlier today was a logical consequence of consensus having
been reached.

I'd really like to see you contribute in a positive way to discussion
of your ideas for improving the wiki, and you've been invited to do so
a number of times (including in Phil's first email above) but this
type of behaviour is not going to help give your ideas much

Please reread the ground rules for contributing to our team (as with
any Ubuntu team):


I'm not asking you to agree with everything I say, because it's pretty
obvious that you have different ideas about how a wiki should be
developed to mine, and discussion of that is perfectly productive and
healthy, but I do ask you to be collaborative and respectful.

Matthew East
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