Developing the WikiTeam Homepage

Matthew East mdke at
Sat Sep 6 10:14:43 UTC 2008


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 3:44 AM, Marc K <ubuntu-docs at> wrote:
> I just wanted to bring everyone's attention to a revamping that I have
> completed regarding the Wiki Team Home Page.  Because, to be honest, that
> is what it really "should" be.

That's a definite improvement, great job.

As announced last week, I'm intending to move this page and the
relevant subpages to the team wiki. I'm planning to get to that this

> In addition [Sidebar], there was a note on the ToDo List under the forum
> section that there might be an issues with licensing?  I added a note on
> the page stating that the section and process is under review by the
> Documentation/WikiTeam and I motion that it does get put under review.

This shouldn't be a problem now that the wiki has a licence which is
compatible with the licence of the forum. I'll update the relevant
pages when moving them.

Matthew East
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