[Updated] WikiGuide

Marc Kaplan mk at technomensch.net
Fri Oct 17 03:10:19 UTC 2008

Little Girl wrote:
> Hey there,
> In reference to the WikiGuide Draft page[1]:
> Marc Kaplan wrote:
>> Then, related to our other "Categories" thread, we really need a
>> section on this page called "Categories vs. Stubs" in the same vein
>> as "Which software?".
> Is that subs or stubs?
>> I also thought that the "Integrate" question was a great place to
>> put the links for "searching the wiki"
> I like the Integration section[2] you made, but I think it would be
> better to leave if off of the WikiGuide page altogether and put it in
> the PageCreation[3] page instead.
> [1] - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Draft
> [2] -
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Draft#Integrate,%20don%27t%20duplicate
> [3] - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/PageCreation

Thank you, and agreed.

Alright, after the last two days, here is what I've done and I think 
this makes sense for all of us as a great compromise:

I moved the "Integrate, Don't Duplicate" that littlegirl mentioned from 
my "Draft" Page to [[/PageCreation]] and then cleaned it up.  I also 
added, as an additional reference, a link to HelpOnPageCreation.  You 
can see the finished product here:

I moved the text from "Delete and Rename" on /PageCreation into the 
article [[DeletingAndRenaming]]  I did so because I did not think it was 
appropriate, or necessary, to even mention deleting pages while taking 
about creating them.  After doing so, I now think the 
DeletingandRenaming page actually reads better than it did previously.

Regarding the WikiGuide itself, I realized that there was NO link to the 
IconsPage, so I added one.

As for our discussion on how to present the formatting wiki markup code, 
I think I came up with a compromise that we can all agree on.  I ended 
up leaving the link to 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Formatting.  Then, on 
[[/Formatting]], I used the "Include" feature of the wiki to "Include" 
the artilce [[HelpOnEditing 
as I thought that was the most thorough and more organized of the two 
articles in question.

I hope this is a valid compromise that we can all agree on.

I would finally like to recommend that we have something similar to the 
menus we are using on the TeamWiki on top of the following pages to show 
that they are all related:
[[WikiGuide]], [[DeletingandRenaming]], [[/PageCreation]], [[Tag]], 

Marc Kaplan

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