{Discussion} Categories

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 13 07:24:51 UTC 2008


On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Little Girl <littlergirl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please be careful if you do this, ensuring that all the necessary
> and correct information is on the page before making it immutable. In
> my travels throughout the wiki, I've found a few immutable pages I'd
> love to edit, but can't. One example is the CategoryCategory
> page[3].

This is a system page, i.e. it's provided by the software and not
created by us. I seem to be able to edit most of them though, if you
want to send me the proposed modification.

If you find errors in pages like this, and can reproduce the issue on
the wiki at http://moinmo.in, then you can also submit an upstream bug
report in that wiki (Moin doesn't use Launchpad for bug tracking).

Matthew East
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