[Discussion] Software vs. Applications

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Sun Oct 12 13:13:23 UTC 2008

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On Sat, 11 Oct 2008 19:51:40 -0400
Marc Kaplan <ubuntu-doc at technomensch.net> wrote:

> I have been reviewing the last few months (since June of '08) of our 
> threads at the mailing list archive, and I do not see that we ever came 
> to a consensus regarding this topic.  The Help Documentation often 
> fluctuates between the two:
> The prime example is "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Applications" 
> vs. "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategorySoftware"
> Which do you think is better, and why?  Or did we come to an agreement 
> and I missed it somewhere?
> Marc Kaplan
For myself, I don't know why it would need changing. Most wiki's are
using CategorySoftware. Software is all the programs, utilities,
applications, games, utilities and even includes the OS itself.

Applications are those programs that are used by the average user, but
do not generally include the operating system, utility programs used
for developement work, partition editor, settings managers,
authorizations, etc. 

For example, I modify the /etc/hosts file on my system for networking
and spam control. That is not an application, but it is software.

The program I use to modify that file is both software and an

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
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