RIP Mentoring Programme

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Nov 26 23:08:49 UTC 2008


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've not had any time to work on the mentoring programme recently, and
> the way that it's set up requires quite a bit of initial interaction
> with new students that I'm not currently able to provide. As such, I'm
> proposing that we do away with the mentoring programme as-is and just
> provide advice/feedback/mentoring as and when new contributors need it.

+1. I think that we should keep the concept of mentoring, because it
encourages people. But we should abandon this idea that it's necessary
for the mentee to email the list, get a response, be formally assigned
to a mentor, be given a task, etc. It's too formal, too much overhead,
and it's much simpler and effective to encourage people to dive in and
help them out as much as possible.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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