New Spec:

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Thu Nov 13 18:39:56 UTC 2008

Good afternoon,

I am addressing this email to both kubuntu-devel and ubuntu-docs as it
affects both.  One of the things that has been on my mind lately is if there
is any place the official kubuntu-docs package is available/browseable over
the web.  I know that lists the official docs of the current
release (or it will once it gets updated), but I think the same needs to be
done for Kubuntu.

This is why I am proposing and the specs (  I think it will help out with getting
these documents out there, more exposure and possibliy more people looking
at the documents (bugs, contributors, etc).  This will also help people
searching for infomration on their kubuntu system and any problems they may

Please comment either here or on the wiki page in regards to your thoughts.

Feel free to let me know if I am way off base or any other views.

Thanks and have a great day,

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