String Fix, bug 279057

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at
Sat Nov 8 02:17:23 UTC 2008

> Hello,
> So there is a bug on the FUSA applet to change "Online" to "Available"
> to match other applications.  I've fixed this in Jaunty, but would like
> to SRU it into Intrepid.  I was asked to look into the documentation
> impact of that change.  Thoughts?  Would it be painful?
>        Thanks,
>                Ted
> PS - Could you please CC me on replies, I'm not subscribed to the list.

Forgive me if wrong, (I just started /lurking/ here) but from the
looks of it the Fusa applet doesn't have an up to date help file yet
anyway ;)

-Dylan McCall

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