comments on the wiki should be threaded

Dean Sas dean at
Sun Nov 2 18:21:59 UTC 2008

shirish wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 23:09, Dean Sas <dean at> wrote:
> <snipped>
>> On a normal wiki page like that how do you distinguish between a comment
>> and a normal edit? What happens if you edit two separate bits at the
>> same time, one is a comment one is a normal edit?
> Right, which means there needs to be a way to distinguish the same.
> This would be apples to oranges but mediawiki has a talk page where
> discussions take place while the article remains where it is.

> Also the other question you ask is also valid, which again points at
> there needs to be a way. maybe something like a comment tag
> <comment> my comment </comment> and it formats with stuff while others
> remain as a normal edit or some other way to denote that its a
> comment.

People are no more likely to use that than @SIG@

>> There has been discussions previously about using sub-pages specifically
>> for discussions on pages. I can't remember what came of it.



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