WikiToDo request

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at
Sun May 11 20:24:39 UTC 2008

David Symons wrote:
> On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Connor Imes <rocket2dmn at> wrote:
>> Dean Sas wrote:
>>> Connor Imes wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I work with the Beginner's Team on the Ubuntu forums and we maintain our
>>>> own area on the wiki at
>>>> As part of the reorganization of our wiki area we added some pages to be
>>>> deleted by listing them at
>>>> but nothing has been done for months - it seems like this page has been
>>>> neglected.  I'm hoping that somebody with the appropriate permissions
>>>> can take care of this for us, along with other requests that have been
>>>> posted on WikiToDo.
>>> Hi Connor,
>>> Thanks for getting in touch with us.
>>> I assume the team that gets delete privs on h.u.c is ubuntu-wiki ?
>>> Couldn't we argue that anyone with bzr commit rights should be
>>> automatically a member of this team?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dean
>> I believe that is correct - anybody on ubuntu-wiki falls under the
>> documentation team, but it just seems nobody has stepped forward anytime
>> in the last few months to take care of the growing "to do" list on
>> WikiToDo.  Only those users have the ability to delete pages.  If
>> anybody getting these emails is on that team or knows a better way to
>> get ahold of them, please let me know so I can get in contact with them.
>> Thanks,
>> -Connor
>> --
>> ubuntu-doc mailing list
>> ubuntu-doc at
> Hi Connor, Dean, all
> Firstly my apologies to you and others for being one of the people
> with delete/move capabilities on the h.u.c/c wiki and neglecting my
> duties.  A combination of being somewhat inactive recently and not
> knowing of the existence of that WikiToDo page (probably due to the
> former) have led to this situation.  Both of these aspects have now
> changed.  The next mistake was to start working from the top of the
> list :-) .
> As I understand it, it has always been the intention that members of
> the Launchpad ubuntu-wiki team have delete/move privileges but that it
> has not been set up.  Currently, those abilities have to be endowed by
> someone with administrative access to the wiki engine (MoinMoin)
> itself.  From now I will devoting more time to WikiToDo, so hopefully
> that will help.
> I've done some of the requested deletions - including all the
> Beginners/ ones.  I need to spend some time looking into the others
> (eg. editing referring pages - it would be good if deletion requesters
> would do this more).  Hopefully some of the others with the privs will
> chime in too.
> Cheers, Dave.

Thanks Dave, we really appreciate it.  I will work with the UF
Beginner's Team to see what we can do to help get other parts of the
wiki up to speed with Hardy over the next few months.  I expect that
this summer people will have more time to dedicate to this task (since
many users are students as well).  I will stay subscribed to this
mailing list and do what I can to contribute.
Take care,

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