Tech-review report of web-apps.xml ...

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue May 6 09:10:22 UTC 2008

Hi Vignesh,

On Fri, 2008-05-02 at 22:57 +0530, Vignesh wrote:
> Tech-review report of web-apps.xml ...
> *Under "Get plugins for your web browser",
> -> "A plugin is a small program which extends the capabilities of
> another program." ==> "A plugin is a small program which extends the
> capabilities of an existing program." (Better definition for a plugin)
> -> to "run small, web-based programs." ==>  "to run small web-based
> programs." (Removed unnecessary comma).
> *Under "Quickly install common plugins",
> -> "Check that you are allowed to use this software before installing
> it." ==> "Make sure that you are allowed to use this software before
> installing it." (on account of better english)
> -> "Many different multimedia formats are used on the Internet, and so
> you may find that you are unable to play some audio and video files
> without first installing an appropriate plugin." ==> "Many different
> multimedia formats are used on the Internet and you may find that you
> are unable to play some audio and video files without installing an
> appropriate plugin." (on account of more formal and better english)

All of the above changes look sensible.

> *Under "Flash multimedia plugin",
> -> The following paragraph seems to be creating confusion for
> beginners..
>    "Installing the package as described above will download and
> install the plugin. You need an Internet connection for this to work.
> If, after installing the application, you need to download and install
> the plugin at a later time, enter the following command in a terminal:
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree" 
> (I feel that the entire paragraph should be re-written in a better way
> so that a beginner can understand)

I agree. Maybe something like:

"A copy of the Flash plugin is not actually included in the package, but
is automatically downloaded from the Adobe website when you install the
package. This is due to legal restrictions on the redistribution of the
plugin. As a result, you must be connected to the Internet for the
plugin to be downloaded successfully."

I don't think we need the bit on reinstalling the plugin because the
normal method of reinstalling packages should work.

> -> Only Blufish editor has been mentioned. Other editors that can be
> mentioned are, "Screem HTML/XML Editor" and the good old "GEdit". If
> you think these two deserve a place in there, please let me know. I am
> interested in writing the guides for using those two.

Most of the "web-apps" section just points to different software
packages nowadays. I'm wondering if we shouldn't condense it down into
just two sections:

      * Recommended web software: just a short list, with recommended
        apps for each common web task
      * Browser plugins: Brief instructions on installing plugins and
        helper apps (like RealPlayer)

What are your thoughts on this?



Phil Bull

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