A new users view of the documentation

Jonathan Carter jonathan at ubuntu.com
Fri May 2 14:45:04 UTC 2008

Hi Steve

Steve Flynn wrote:
> One of my colleagues at work has recently installed Heron. He's coming
> from a proficient Windows background but a new Linux user. He's been
> asking our intranet a few questions and I found that the issues he's
> facing all seem to be documentation related. I've answer some of his
> questions, and pointed him at the Community Wiki but I thought it
> might be a good idea to post his intranet questions on here as perhaps
> they point to where the documentation can be improved/highlighted/more
> easily found/reorganised etc.
> Apologies for the length - I didn't think it fair to paraphrase or summarise.
> Therefore, without further ado, "a Linux newbie tried out Ubuntu Heron

Wow. This morning I decided to join this list again, after not doing 
documentation for a very, very long time.  If no one beats me to it, I'd 
certainly like to work on a few pieces of documentation that would 
resolve the issues he mentioned. Thanks for forwarding it on, that is a 
truely fabulous rant! (with its inaccuracies and all)


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