Expanding the documentation
Leo Iannacone
leo.iannacone at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 16:37:22 UTC 2008
Phil Bull ha scritto:
> That sounds good. How were you thinking of implementing this?
> A simple solution would be to use the -moz-border-radius and
> -webkit-border-radius properties [1]. That way, Mozilla and WebKit
> browsers would see the rounded corners whereas IE and Opera would fall
> back to standard square corners, which wouldn't look too bad anyway.
No, moz-border works only on mozilla's browsers. I've created images and
css... in this way all problems seem to be solved.
The new macro works in this way:
Here a snapshot of how it works:
And prints a similiar Banner of my Test page [1] (but now without
the problem corners).
To install it:
- copy css/ and img/ directories in Theme's directory and import
wiki-banner.css into screen.css stylesheet.
- copy WikiBanner.py file into data/plugin/macro/ directory.
- Please, for moin relases more than or equals to 1.5.*, see the
"PS:" message in the footer of this mail.
* [[WikiBanner(UnsupportedVersion)]]
* [[WikiBanner(ContentCleanupRequired)]]
* [[WikiBanner(StyleCleanupRequired)]]
* [[WikiBanner(NeedsExpansion)]]
* [[WikiBanner(PageTooLong)]]
* [[WikiBanner(CandidateForMoving)]]
* [[WikiBanner(CandidateForDeletion)]]
* [[WikiBanner(DuplicateArticle)]]
* If WikiBanner argument is not in this list, macro generates an
In tar.gz you can find all you need (I've included a src directory too,
where you can find how stylesheets were been generated).
Leo :)
[1] - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeoIannacone/Test
PS: For a Moin versions more than or equals to 1.5.*, please use
WikiBannerForNewMoinVersion.py file (there are new functions to
format html that there are not impemented in 1.3.* releases).
Administrator of Ubuntu Italian Wiki.
GPG Key ID: 1024D/D59257A9
Key fingerprint: DC75 469F 4831 4293 81A4 423C 6884 31F6 D592 57A9
More info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeoIannacone
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