Expanding the documentation

Michiel Beijen michiel at beefreeit.nl
Tue Jun 24 20:44:02 UTC 2008

** Short introduction:
My name is Michiel Beijen. I just recently joined the list and have
not yet introduced myself - I was just checking on what was happening
within the Documentation team. I'm a freelance Software Consultant
with an interest in Open Source.

** Now on to business:
If I access the banners with Firefox or Internet Explorer 6  they
don't look good if the text in the banner
spans over multiple lines. This happens if you size the browser
smaller than full screen or if you have a low-res setup. I made a
screenshot to illustrate:


Michiel Beijen
Software Consultant
06 - 457 42 418
Bee Free IT + http://beefreeit.nl

On 6/16/08, Phil Bull <philbull at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Leo,
> On Sun, 2008-06-15 at 12:22 +0200, Leo Iannacone wrote:
> > No, don't worry. I wrote it just to improve idea.
> >
> > I've created a new page (you see it at
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeoIannacone/Test).
> > There are two great (IMHO) improvements:
> >  0. New tables (I think, better to look than those of the first page)
> These look *much* better!
> The only (minor) problem I can see with these is the use of images to
> define the rounded corners - they won't scale if the user changes the
> text size in their browser (e.g. people with poor eyesight). I can't
> think of any other way of getting rounded borders in a browser-neutral
> way, though.
> >  1. The use of [[Include]] macro. IMHO we have to split tables in some
> > child pages, in this way if you later wanna modify a table, you have
> > to edit just one page (thanks to macro Include).
> This was the plan all along. You can see an example on the original test
> page [1] - the
> Thanks,
> Phil
> --
> Phil Bull
> http://www.launchpad.net/people/philbull

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