College server

Lam Pak Ting lampakting at
Tue Jun 24 15:10:52 UTC 2008

Hi Roshen,

I think the Ubuntu Server Guide can help you.


On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 06:17 -0700, roshan jose wrote:
> Hi, I am  a linux newbie. I have motivated many people at our college
> to join the FSF team. We have formed a large group ready to work on
> linux. We are unable to determine which linux distro to choose and set
> up a linux server of nearly 100 systems. None of us are pros in linux.
> We are actually planning to set up a hub and cater to many students to
> work on linux, and develop our skills in it. Can anyone suggest how I
> can learn setting up a server and maintaining it

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