join the mentoring programme

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Jun 24 16:18:32 UTC 2008

Hi Arron,

On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 12:52 +0100, arron finnon wrote:
> My name is Arron (aka Finux) and i would like to ask about joining the
> mentoring programme.
> I've done some documentation before mostly security howto's, and you
> can find some of the stuff i've done here 
> I'm currently running Ubuntu 8.04 and have been with Ubuntu since 6.04
> I've applied for the membership to the launchpad/ubuntu team, not sure
> if i was suppose to wait or not.
> Anyways there's the introduction part done

Welcome! How would you like to help out with the documentation? You can
find some ideas on how you can help our wiki page [1].



[1] -

Phil Bull

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