Wiki Cleanup

Charles Davis oldsoldier at
Tue Jun 10 07:23:40 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 07:41 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Charles Davis <oldsoldier at> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > while working on the category cleanup page, Connor and I realized there
> > are many pages that are no longer useful and clutter the wiki. A primary
> > example would be the pages for Breezy.
> >
> > Since Breezy is unsupported and has no upgrade path we are trying to get
> > a consensus on the best way to handle this situation and similar
> > situations.
> This is a good question. I think that where a page is out of date but
> needs to be updated, we should leave it around, but mark on it that it
> needs to be updated. Where a page is outdated and a more updated page
> already exists, or it deals with subject matter that is no longer
> relevant in recent versions of Ubuntu, the page can be deleted.
> I think Connor's idea of adding some more tags. We have already some
> discussion and ideas about that here -
> Perhaps you could
> review that specification and in particular the list of proposed
> Cleanup categories.
Having looked at the HelpWikiQualityAssurance page, I like the concept.
The proposed cleanup categories make a lot of sense and I would really
like the talk pages to be implemented. it is a feature I have used in
wiki's in the past and it is quite helpful for collaboration.

I also support Connors idea of the CategoryProposeRedirect and
CategoryProposeDelete, they would be great time savers and focus
attention rapidly to some pages that are in dire need or a decision.

> It's really great to see some interest in cleaning up the wiki! With
> this enthusiasm hopefully we can push forward and implement that
> specification, and make the wiki a much better place for users.
> -- 
> Matthew East
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

The Beginner Team is starting to gain momentum in what I am starting the
call the "Summer of Documentation", Some members will be able to devote
more time and energy than others, but if we wind em up and point them in
the right direction we can get quite a bit accomplished.

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