Documentation of Ubuntu

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Jul 15 13:57:24 UTC 2008

Hi Geurt,

On Tue, 2008-07-08 at 16:23 +0200, geurt hakfoort wrote: 
> First, i like to introduce myself. I am 24 year old dutch student
> who lives in Enschede near the Saxion university. 
> In august I hope to finish my study of Information technology and
> management. In the future, At this moment, I am already using Ubuntu
> linux for about 2 years. I like the Ubuntu community and  i am an
> active support point of the dutch ubuntu user group :
> People can ask me for  installation discs
> or I help them with some difficulties  in their migration from Windows
> to Ubuntu Linux.
> When we all start using Ubuntu Linux, vendors shall recognize the new
> market and develop hardware and software. When there is more software,
> more people may think about Ubuntu Linux as an alternative for
> Microsoft Operating Systems. I showed the possibilities of Ubuntu
> Linux to a lot of people and some of them started using it too! I help
> them with hardware choices, software alternatives.
> I think i can assist the documentation team of ubuntu to write
> documentation about the Ubuntu Desktop OS and the Ubuntu Server OS. By
> doing this, my knowledge can grow and I think it is cool to be part of
> the Active international Ubuntu community.  It is also a way to
> improve my english writing skills. Documenting in the dutch language
> is also a possibility.

Welcome to the team! In what way would you like to help out with the
documentation? I mentioned in a previous email to the list [1] that it
would be a good idea to start looking for outdated documentation that we
can help to improve, if you're interested in that?



[1] -

Phil Bull

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