Ubuntu applications database

Dustin Kirkland dustin.kirkland at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 00:07:38 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Allan Day <allanpday at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering - has anyone ever thought of doing a Ubuntu applications
> database? So much of the community wiki is basically different lists
> applications. I'm sure that there's lots of duplication of effort. Why
> not keep all the applications related data in one central place, and
> then mash it up as required?

I'd see some value in being able to index such a database against
various keys (program name, description, category, license,
equivalents, size, etc).

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Software has interesting
information, but it's only indexable by alphabetical by program name.

http://www.gnomefiles.org/ has some good stuff too, but that site is
too busy for its own good, and of course, gnome-centric.

And for Microsoft/Mac converts, it would be great to order the list by
common MS/Mac program names and list Ubuntu equivalents.  I perceive
this to be one of the bigger stumbling blocks for the newest of Ubuntu
users.  They are often perfectly capable of using the
Linux/free/open-source equivalents of their favorite programs, but
don't know what those are called in the Ubuntu world.


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