Security Section - Modifications

Gilbert Mendoza gmendoza at
Fri Jan 25 04:08:20 UTC 2008

Phil Bull wrote:

> I had a little play with this the other day. It would be reasonable to
> use different emphasis methods, such as italics or underlining, but my
> concern is that this isn't really a very "DocBook" way of doing things.
> Ideally, we'd markup the input with one tag and the output with another,
> as I see you've discussed with Adam.
> It might be worth asking about modifying the Yelp stylesheet so that the
> tag corresponding to input is formatted differently. Which of the tags
> you've investigated seem most appropriate, and are any of them formatted
> differently already?
> Thanks,
> Phil

Thanks, Phil.

You know, it looks like the "userinput" [1] tag does exactly what we want.
 It actually bolds the input.  Coupled with the screen tag, it looks fantastic.

In addition to the nice visual contrast of input vs output it offers, I
still think separating the output with "computeroutput" [2] is a good idea.
 As mentioned, we can then stylize certain words within complicated output
if we really need to stress a particular point.  The referenced explanation
[3] is pretty straight forward.

A complete example...

Issue the following command:
<screen><userinput>some_command some_variable</userinput></screen>

Take note of the resulting output, and note if it completed successfully:
<screen><computeroutput>command issued: process was
<emphasis role="bold">successful</emphasis>



Gilbert Mendoza
PGP: 0x075DBCA9
Email: gmendoza at

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