Security Section - Modifications

Phil Bull philbull at
Fri Jan 25 01:37:22 UTC 2008

Hi Gilbert,

On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 07:19 -0800, Gilbert Mendoza wrote:
> Adam and I spoke offline, and had concluded for the time being to break up
> the output from the input.  e.g.
> The advantage is that there's very little confusion over which is input and
> output, and you can use bold or emphasis to stress points if need be.  The
> only disadvantage is that it takes a little more typing.

That sounds good to me.

> With regard to bolding input, I like the idea...  however, there may be a
> scenario when it would be beneficial to display a large section of output
> and highlight specific points.  The best way to do that would be to also
> use bold so that a few words of the output sticks out visually.  So now you
> have both output and input in bold.  :-P

I had a little play with this the other day. It would be reasonable to
use different emphasis methods, such as italics or underlining, but my
concern is that this isn't really a very "DocBook" way of doing things.
Ideally, we'd markup the input with one tag and the output with another,
as I see you've discussed with Adam.

It might be worth asking about modifying the Yelp stylesheet so that the
tag corresponding to input is formatted differently. Which of the tags
you've investigated seem most appropriate, and are any of them formatted
differently already?



Phil Bull

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