Pop3Aggregation Wiki Page

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 13:13:18 UTC 2008

Hi Ross,

On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 23:21 -0500, Ross Peoples wrote:
> I just added a page to the wiki that describes the process of installing
> an IMAP server for the purpose of downloading POP3 accounts, so that you
> can access your email from the IMAP server. This allows multiple
> computers to share the same emails.
> If someone could look over it and give me some input on it, that would
> be great. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pop3Aggregator

I've moved the page to the Help wiki [1], as per Matt East's email.

The content of the page looks good, although I can't comment on its
correctness as I don't know enough about the subject matter. Here are a
few suggestions regarding the structure/formatting:

 * Avoid repeating the page title with a section heading (see "Section
heading directly under the page title" [2])
 * Add a table of contents to aid navigation
 * Use numbered lists rather than bulleted lists for procedures (see
"Incorrect list formatting" [2])
 * Use different formatting for filenames so they are easier to pick-out
of the text (see "Inconsistent GUI item formatting" [2])
 * Add appropriate category tags (in this case, only
CategoryNeedsExpansion is required)

Other than those few minor issues, it looks pretty good. Nice work!



[1] - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/POP3Aggregator
[2] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/WikiCleanup

Phil Bull

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