add "that/which" to Style Guide > Commonly ConfusedWords

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Thu Jan 3 19:55:41 UTC 2008


I'd like to propose adding the following to the Documentation Style  
Guide, Commonly Confused Words section.

that, which

These words often start phrases that modify a preceding noun, but the  
wrong one is sometimes used. For example, the following is incorrect:  
The car which crashed is red. Use that to start a phrase that  
restricts the modified noun to a particular instance or set, and do  
not enclose the phrase in commas. Use which to add additional  
information about the noun, and enclose the phrase in commas.

Examples: The car that crashed is red. The car, which I own, is red.

Is there a procedure for suggesting/making changes to the Style Guide?


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