DocuMentor Program

Phil Bull philbull at
Thu Jan 3 10:03:44 UTC 2008

Hi Andrew,

On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 08:23 -0600, Andrew Stabeno wrote:
>    I am interested in helping out with Ubuntu Documentation.  I have
> been using Ubuntu for over a year now and would like to help out with
> the community.  I am a Network Administrator at Curves International
> and have great writing skills.  I have not done much documentation
> before but I would love to start.  I am interested training users to
> use Ubuntu, and have thought about starting training programs for
> Ubuntu in developing nations.  I believe this would be a great place
> to start.  Let me know where I can start.

Welcome to the team! If you're interested in training users, there are a
couple of projects which you might like to take a look at.

The first is Ubuntu Training [1], which aims to provide training
materials (courses, exams, instructor notes and the like) for Ubuntu.
The second is the Ubuntu Screencast team [2], who produce
freely-available screencasts on various topics.

Alternatively, you could follow the conventional documentation route and
work with us, the Doc Team. In particular, we're involved with writing
system documentation and maintaining the community documentation on the

Please let us know if you're interested in any of these options and
we'll help you get started.



[1] -
[2] -

Phil Bull

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