
Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 27 10:51:58 UTC 2008

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Dougie Richardson
<ddrichardson at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
>  With regard to the use of "ulink" and "xref" - just to clarify, are we
>  to use xref to refer to other sections rather than ulink?

I don't think I can really be clearer than "For internal links, ghelp
links are unnecessary: the xref tag should be
used", but here goes:

1. xref links should be used for any link which refers to a section in
the same document as that in which the link appears.

2. for links to other documents or urls, the ulink tag should be used.

Let me know if this is still unclear.

Please don't cc me to list email - I'm subscribed and actively read
the mailing list.

Matthew East
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