The Windows Wireless Drivers sections of the official ubuntu documentation

Novak, Edmund J ENOVAK at
Wed Apr 23 14:41:51 UTC 2008

Right now the instructions are clear on there own.  That is, each step makes sense on its own.  However I believe there are a couple steps that should be added to increase end-user use-ability.  1st Somewhere it should mention that you have to increase the repositories.  By default they do not include ndisgtk which is the second step of the instructions.  The second change that should be made is that the instructions say to locate the *.inf file for your windows driver.  The documentation should explain that you need to move that file to some dir in the linux filesystem.  If you leave that file in the windows partition/drive/filesystem your wireless won't work until you mount that partition/drive/filesystem.  Also (and this is the biggest and most mysterious problem) you need to find the .sys file of the same name as the .inf file and place it in the same dir.  This is extremely important.  If you don't relocate both files to the same place you will get an "invalid driver" error message, which is very confusing to the user who followed all the instructions.  The last change that needs to be made is that when you are finished with the ndisgtk utility you need to open the restricted drivers manager and enable the restricted driver you just created.  This step is overlooked in the official documentation yet it is absolutely necessary to get wireless internet to work.

I hope that my input is helpful.  I would have edited the documentation myself to take more work off of your shoulders but I don't think that I am able to because I couldn't figure out any way to.  In any case I emailed you all the changes I would have made.  Thank you for terrific documentation (except maybe for this article) and thank you for the incredible operating system!  I just helped 2 of my good friends install it on their laptops!


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