Question about creating patches.

Nick E. ellery.nick at
Sun Apr 20 02:20:07 UTC 2008

Hi Adam,

Thanks, this answered everything.  As of this point, I know no more issues
with patching.  My latest problem is that I receive a 'parsing error' when I
attempt to open any of the .xml files in ubuntu-intrepid.  I am able to view
these files on launchpad, so that tells me something.  What should I do
about this?


On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Adam Sommer <asommer70 at> wrote:

> Hello,
> > I'm trying to figure out how to create patches through the Documentation
> > Team Repository [1].  First off, step one tells you to change directories to
> > the root of my working copy.  Does this mean to the ubuntu-intrepid folder,
> > or to the specific folder (for example, ubuntu-intrepid/office/C/)?
> I usually do it from the ubuntu-intrepid folder, but it can be done from
> either.  I usually edit the file, then execute bzr diff > filename.diff,
> from the ubuntu-intrepid folder.  This will create a diff of the whole
> tree.  For example, if you've edited a file in office/C/ and one in
> serverguide/C/ the diff will include all changes.  Which may or may not be
> your desired result :-).
> >   Next, step four says 'which contains the differences between the
> > working copy and repository revisions of the modified files.'  Are you
> > supposed to edit the original, and then do this?
> >
> >
> Correct, bzr knows when you edit a file and the command creates a diff
> file (or bundle in this example) of the new changes and what the original
> was.  I hope that helps to clarify some, but if you still have questions
> don't hesitate to ask.  You can also find "live" help in the #ubuntu-doc IRC
> channel on Freenode.
> --
> Party On,
> Adam
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