ServerGuide - windows-networking.xml

bamed bamed at
Sat Apr 19 23:25:11 UTC 2008

Thanks for the advice, here's the corrected diff.

Adam Sommer wrote:
> Hello,
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 3:41 PM, bamed <bamed at 
> <mailto:bamed at>> wrote:
>     I'm new around here, and still not 100% sure I'm doing this right.
>      I've downloaded the Bazaar repositories and done some editing to
>     the windows-networking.xml file in the ServerGuide.  I followed
>     the instructions on the Wiki and made a bundle to update the
>     repositories.  And according to the wiki, I'm sending that bundle
>     to the mailing list.  Let me know if I'm doing this right or not.
>     Thanks,
>     bamed
> I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I've been caught up in 
> the day job for the last couple of days.  Thanks for submitting the 
> patch, those examples do have the wrong DocBook tags.  However, I 
> don't think the <screen> and <command> tags are the best tags.  We 
> have had some discussion on which tags to use to describe which kind 
> of content, and we came up with some rough guidelines. 
> For examples showing command syntax the <command> tags are used inside 
> of <screen> tags.  If the example needs to display the output of the 
> command the <computeroutput> tag inside <screen> are used.  For 
> configuration files the <programlisting> tag is appropriate.  Some of 
> these guidelines are documented here [1]. 
> So if you could change your diff to use <programlisting> for the 
> configuration examples, I'll go ahead and commit the diff.  Everything 
> else looks great, thank you for working on that.  The Windows 
> Networking section is definitely in need of some attention for 
> Intrepid :-).
> Thanks again.
> [1] 
> -- 
> Party On,
> Adam 

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