Please help us test the Ubuntu wiki.

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz at
Fri Apr 18 17:25:55 UTC 2008


I have been installing and wikiadmining many wiki instances since Moin 1.1.x.

I did not know about your current efforts on upgrading Moin, so I am
pasting one of the conversations I've had with Thomas Waldmann (he's
helped me since ever, along with Alexander Shcremmer, both are Moin
Developers) a couple of days ago.  I hope it helps.
Thomas has even offered his help if needed.

(12:06:18 PM) ThomasWaldmann: are you talking about or
another one?
(12:06:36 PM) mhz: yes. All of them are set as wiki farm
(12:06:47 PM) ThomasWaldmann: (if you can stand the amount of change,
you can upgrade from 1.3 to 1.6)
(12:07:25 PM) mhz: oops, but that will mean a LOT of reviewing, esp.
markup, or no?
(12:07:47 PM) ThomasWaldmann: the markup change happens from 1.5 to 1.6
(12:08:13 PM) ThomasWaldmann: but 1.3 had same markup as 1.5, so you
can also do it in one go
(12:08:26 PM) ThomasWaldmann: of course the amount of docs/CHANGES you
have to read is bigger then
(12:08:29 PM) mhz: hmm, so you say that from 1.3 to 1.6 is the same
struggle that from 1.5 to 1.7 ?
(12:08:49 PM) ThomasWaldmann: also, if you run a custom theme and
other hacks, it might require more changes in one go
(12:08:55 PM) mhz: exaclty
(12:09:11 PM) ThomasWaldmann: so it depends on how you do it
(12:09:19 PM) mhz: that is why the discussion is huge among wiki fans
like me, users and sysadmins
(12:09:33 PM) ThomasWaldmann: for a big production wiki like ubuntu, i
would suggest creating another test wiki on a separate url
(12:09:54 PM) ThomasWaldmann: then do the migration just for testing
and fix all theme or other code issues
(12:10:04 PM) mhz: for such migration, I would recommend a bounty for
Moin devels to help Ubuntu wiki admins :)
(12:10:09 PM) ThomasWaldmann: have a good review of the content migration
(12:10:18 PM) ThomasWaldmann: communicate with #moin
(12:10:28 PM) ThomasWaldmann: and finally migrate the production wiki
(12:10:42 PM) ThomasWaldmann: ubuntu can get help for free
(12:10:47 PM) mhz: but first we gotta convince sysadmins and Mark. Doc
Team, Wiki Team (like Editors or Librarians) all agree on the need for
(12:15:02 PM) ThomasWaldmann: well, if they insist paying me, we can
do that, but the offer for help stands :)
(12:15:17 PM) mhz: great!!!!
(12:15:20 PM) ThomasWaldmann: I use ubuntu myself and I am quite happy with it.
(12:15:34 PM) mhz: /me too
(12:15:54 PM) ThomasWaldmann: do they require login at that wiki?
(12:16:07 PM) mhz: yes
(12:16:24 PM) ThomasWaldmann: ok, so not much spam, right?
(12:16:51 PM) ThomasWaldmann: < 1.6 wikis often attract lots of spam
(12:17:27 PM) ThomasWaldmann: so coping with the spam is often a
bigger annoyance for the wiki people than doing an upgrade is work for
(12:18:28 PM) ThomasWaldmann: btw, one thing would be nice: iirc
someone hacked the theme for them
(12:18:48 PM) ThomasWaldmann: I am no css/gfx/arts guy
(12:19:17 PM) ThomasWaldmann: so some cooperation with that one would
be nice for fixing the theme in case we get trouble there
(12:19:27 PM) mhz: yes, there has been lot of work
(12:27:46 PM) mhz: why 1.6 is hoeny for spammers?
(12:29:46 PM) ThomasWaldmann: hoeny?
(12:30:04 PM) mhz: sorry, I mean Honey
(12:30:12 PM) mhz: attractive
(12:30:22 PM) ThomasWaldmann: 1.6 is not, pre 1.6 is
(12:30:44 PM) ThomasWaldmann: because spammers can easily write their
spam to pages
(12:30:54 PM) mhz: oh, right
(12:31:03 PM) ThomasWaldmann: even if you require login, they have
script to create one time accounts automatically
(12:31:21 PM) ThomasWaldmann: 1.6 has TextChas against this and
currently they are about 100% effective
(12:31:47 PM) mhz: Can I use this chat log for the discussion on ubuntu ML ?
(12:32:22 PM) ThomasWaldmann: sure
(12:32:27 PM) mhz: thx
(12:32:51 PM) ThomasWaldmann: btw, maybe also ask about mod_wsgi
(12:33:28 PM) ThomasWaldmann: (I don't know what they currently use,
but mod_wsgi seems to be very nice, I have it on sites)
(12:34:08 PM) ThomasWaldmann: if they still have 1.3.x they likely use
something else.
(12:34:40 PM) mhz: you rock!
(12:40:15 PM) ThomasWaldmann: |-)


Mauricio Hernandez Z.

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