Experienced Tech Writer, Absolute Unix N00b

Paul Suliin psuliin at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 18:22:37 UTC 2008

Hi, all!

I'm just now getting into Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular - I've
used Linux and Unix systems a bit for work, but never had it installed on my
own system. I'm planning to dual-boot 8.04/WinXP on my laptop as soon as
Hardy is in stable release, rather than installing 7.10 and then updgrading
two or three weeks later.  However I have over 15 years of experience as a
technical writer, and I want to make a contribution to the Ubuntu community.

So, how can I best help?  Is there anything that an experienced writer with
barely enough Linux to understand cd and ls can do?  Or should I wait and
watch and get used to Hardy Heron before I start trying to help with

Either way I hope folks with put up with a few newbie questions here from
time to time as I work on getting my arms around all of this.



Paul Suliin
Information and Documentation Services
psuliin at gmail.com
(408) 802-1147
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