Error in documentation

Paul S mopauly at
Mon Apr 7 01:13:29 UTC 2008

Attached is the patch, providing I did this right.

Dean Sas wrote:
> Phil Bull wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 22:06 -0400, Paul S wrote:
>>> here:
>>> 1 -under the "change the text" section, for Ctrl-e End, the letter 
>>> 'e' appears to be mistakenly placed in bold.
>>> 2 - the Ctrl-b section is empty, is it to be populated or possibly 
>>> removed if there is no explanation for it?
>> Good catch with the "Ctrl+b" section! Ctrl+b seems to make the cursor go
>> back one character, which seems reasonably useless. I think we should
>> remove this section; would you like to have a go at making the changes
>> and sending a patch? If so, let me know if you'd like some help.
> Hmm, I thought someone had committed a patch for this some time ago (I 
> had intended to do this and didn't get round to it). There's certainly 
> a bug about it and it was agreed that it was useless and should be 
> removed.
> Cheers,
> Dean
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