BitTorrent wiki page and usage

Phil Bull philbull at
Sat Sep 29 15:14:14 UTC 2007

Hi Mads,

On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 16:56 +0200, Mads Peter Rommedahl wrote:
>         * I'm not sure if GNOME BitTorrent is in the Applications menu
>         any
>         more.
> Nope, it isn't. At least not on my Feisty, installed yesterday. So
> maybe an idea would be to include a guide on how to actually run GNOME
> BitTorrent - or is that unnecessary, because the client automatically
> fires up when you open a .torrent file anyway? 

It's unnecessary really, for the reason you stated. It might be better
to just say that 'GNOME BitTorrent starts automatically when you try to
download a .torrent file'.



Phil Bull

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