I would like to join the mentoring programme

Richard F Crawley III richard.crawley3 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 18 05:16:08 UTC 2007

I would like to join the mentoring programme.

My name is Richard F Crawley III, although Rick suffices. I live in a 
small town in Illinois in the United States.

I have a blog ( http://richardfcrawley.wordpress.com/ ) covering a 
variety of topics, but mostly Linux applications and Linux and open 
source software usage (or lack there of) in public school in the state 
of Illinois. I also write short fiction and essays. I have been working 
on a novel and a screenplay.

I will be starting a new job as an Information Systems Support 
Specialist at Growmark next Monday. I also am an active father of three 
(next April, if all goes well, four). I am married and am converting my 
wife to Ubuntu.

I can devote a few hours a week to the Ubuntu documentation project. If 
I devote too much time, I'm sure my wife will let me know.

Take care. I hope to start helping.


*Richard F Crawley III*

501 Monroe Street
Henry IL 61537
richard.crawley3 at verizon.net


/Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. -- John Lennon/

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