Concrete proposal to moving to bzr
Cody A.W. Somerville
cody-somerville at
Wed Oct 24 19:32:43 UTC 2007
Maybe I'm mistaken but ubuntu-doc is the umbrella team while xubuntu-doc,
ubuntu-core-doc, and kubuntu-doc are members of ubuntu-doc. One would assume
that ubuntu-doc would also be a child of the umbrella team and not
ubuntu-core-doc to match the naming convention of the majority of
documentation team. Thus, the unstated proposal was to make ubuntu-doc the
child and the parent team ubuntu-core-doc (or named ubuntu-doc-teams or
Cody A.W. Somerville
On 10/24/07, Jordan Mantha <mantha at> wrote:
> On 10/24/07, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> > Hi Cody,
> >
> > On 21/10/2007, Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville at> wrote:
> > > This is just trivial but I would think that ubuntu-doc-core (or
> > > ubuntu-doc-teams) would be the umbrella group since the semantic for
> the
> > > other teams is "<team name>-doc". If you agree, it would also be
> trivial to
> > > correct.
> >
> > I have to say that I don't really follow the argument. I don't have a
> > problem with different teams in the ubuntu-doc umbrella to have
> > different names depending on what they do (both in relation to the
> > committers team, the wiki team and the proposed mentees team).
> Ah, I see Cody's point I think. According to the "normal" conventions
> we've been using for naming LP teams we use <team name>-doc like
> edubuntu-doc, kubuntu-doc, etc. This makes ubuntu-core-doc seem like
> the documentation wing of an ubuntu-core team and perhaps confusing
> with ubuntu-core-dev . As long as the team description is clear I
> don't think it matters all that much but I think I would've gone with
> ubuntu-doc-core.
> -Jordan
> --
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