Concrete proposal to moving to bzr

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at
Sun Oct 21 00:09:14 UTC 2007

Hi all,

On 9/12/07, Jonathan Jesse <jjesse at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 September 2007 16:24:32 Matthew East wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The discussion went a bit quiet on the "moving to bzr" thread, but I
> > think quite a few advantages in bzr were identified in the end, so I'd
> > like to officially :) propose that we seriously consider the move, and
> > think about how we might do it.
> >
> > For me, three issues arise, so that's how I've structured this email.
> >
> > = How to structure things =
> >
> > I've talked to Daniel Holbach and Jordan about this, both of whom have
> > some experience both with working with bzr packages and with our
> > documentation repository. All of us think the following solution will
> > work:
> >
> > A separate bzr branch for each of ubuntu-docs, kubuntu-docs,
> > edubuntu-docs and xubuntu-docs. This would remove the current awkward
> > situation that the debian directory for each of the derivatives is in
> > the wrong directory and needs to be moved to build the package. It
> > would also allow contributors interested in one flavour just to check
> > out that flavour. Changes to common documents and directories can be
> > merged as between different branches whenever they happen.
> >
> > However, some effort will be required to make this happen. So...
> >
> > = How to manage permissions =
> >
> > For that reason I think it's important to keep a single team that has
> > commit access to these branches: to ensure that we're all working
> > together, that everyone knows what everyone else is doing, and to
> > permit people to merge their own changes as between different
> > branches. I'd propose an ubuntu-core-doc team to handle that. We can
> > then have an ubuntu-doc team which is an umbrella for groups such as
> > ubuntu-wiki, ku/xu/edu/u-buntu-docs and so on, which can have less
> > restrictive entry permissions. I'm not sure if that works, but let's
> > see if people have better ideas.
> >
> > = When to move =
> >
> > Soon? Now that string freeze is upon us, once we get translations
> > sorted out we should have a bit of time to move on this, and get it
> > sorted early in the next release cycle.
> >
> > Thoughts please!
> >
> > --
> > Matthew East
> >
> > gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
> Matt,
> I've made that arguement a lot :)  Anyways I think it is great to use the
> different structures, kubuntu-docs, edubuntu-docs, etc...  Also since we
> are
> proposing using the ubuntu-docs team to manage premissions I think we
> should
> start approving people at the different ubuntu-doc meetings we have.
> After string freeze would make most sense to make the move

Were we going to go ahead with the move to bzr, and if so, how would that
impact updates to trunk at this point?  Should we hold off on updating trunk
until the move to bzr is made, or can additional changes be made using
subversion until we move over?  Thanks.

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