Joining the Documentation Team

Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Oct 9 09:33:33 UTC 2007

Hi Eero,

On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 11:47 +0300, Eero Salokannel wrote:
> I've been following this mailing list for a couple of days, and now
> i'd like to take part in your actions. Till now I've only made
> translations in Rosetta, but I'd happily widen my range to bugfixing
> also. I'm only a bartender, so let's keep it simple atleast for a
> while.
> I've used Ubuntu since Feisty was released. I have both Ubuntu and
> Kubuntu installed on both my laptop and my desktop, laptop still
> Feisty, but desktop runs Gutsy Beta.
> More info on my launchpad page: or you
> can always ask.
> Hopefully someone would like to be my mentor...

Welcome to the team! Would you like to start off with some bug fixing?

If so, please assign this bug to yourself [1] (press the grey arrow
under 'Assigned to' and select 'Assigned to: me'). Then, follow the
instructions on the wiki [2] to get an SVN checkout.

Once you've done that, please let me know and I can help you get started
with fixing the bug.



[1] -
[2] -

Phil Bull

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