Stickies in Forum

Matthew East matt at
Wed Mar 14 08:31:09 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 15:35 +0000, TheVeech wrote:
> If it's for beginners, what's the tone to be like?  The forums tend to
> be pretty informal and friendly, but much of the documentation (and
> wiki) tends to be quite formal and dry.  Might a middle-ground be worth
> aiming for here?

Yes, definitely. New users are our main userbase, so the documentation
should be easy to understand for those users, and helpful for other
users too. Or, to avoid repeating myself -

> A personal observation: I find much of the existing documentation
> suffers from not being broken up with illustrations.  This might not be
> the best approach for documentation for beginners.  Might it be an idea
> to hunt down people who have a talent and enthusiasm for
> design/graphics?


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